
Rooster Bloody



Illustrator, Procreate, InDesign, After Effects, Photoshop


The market for canned alcoholic beverages is increasingly popular and expanding. The remarkable rise of spiked seltzers like White Claw suggests that there is still ample space for exploration and creativity in this industry, particularly with Millennials as the target audience. Our objective was to develop a canned alcoholic drink that could attain equivalent or even superior success without relying on the popularity of spiked seltzers.


Looking for a distinctive canned alcoholic drink that will appeal to Millennials? Look no further than Rooster Bloody Marys! This unique beverage takes a classic drink that's traditionally enjoyed in the morning and gives it a modern twist. The sleek packaging, inspired by Norse mythology (featuring Gullinkambi, a rooster whose crowing wakes up giants), draws on the popularity of medieval fantasy series like Game of Thrones. With Rooster Bloody Marys, you can enjoy a morning drink that's both sophisticated and contemporary.

Style Tile.jpg

“This makes me say to myself, I should wake the hell up… I love it.”

— Liquor Buyer at Whole Foods

So, what’s up with the name?

Creating the name and idea came from so many places and also from so many podcasts! Not only did we think of Gulliambi, we had inspiration from the podcast, Stuff You Should Know. Their episode on “Cocktails” was incredibly informative on cocktails, their origins, and most importantly how they got their name…roosters wake you up with a morning, and thats what COCKTAILS did too.


Bracket Fanatics


Homegrown Goods